
A Guide To Tokyo

 Tokyo is a place I had high expectations of, and when I got there, my expectations were subverted a little, but in good and unique ways, let me give my two cents and tell you what you should expect! My Expectations When I first had thought about going to Tokyo, I kept thinking of all the beautiful sights to see, beautiful and vast mountain regions,  an electric and futuristic city thats way ahead of its time, with hard working people sustaining it. But once I had gotten there, there was a few things that were unexpected. What To Watch Out For If you are a foreigner like me, you'd be surprised at how different it is,  cities are tight and closely compacted, making it a little disorienting to navigate around. Every building looks the same, and with it feeling like an endless hedge maze at times, I would recommend getting a map or GPS or maybe even a translator to ask the locals!  Sleep was good on some days but due to Japans harsh climates, sleeping on a futons which ...

manul cat.

 Hello there reader, my name is aidan and let me explain why the manul cat is the best cat and if you think otherwise youre so wrong. firstly, it is the cutest cat ever out of all the cats , if you take a look at the photo down below, you can see the manul cat clearly sitting in a tree, full of cuteness and fluff. It may not be the friendliest cat, but if it isnt supposed to be cuddled, why is it so fluffy? why is it friend shaped, if you think about it, the manul cat is the most premium and dominant cat as they live in the mountains, away from people and other cats, thus showing its superior genetic capability.  The manul cat is in my opinion, the smartest and the most thoughtful cat there is, as you can see in the photo above, the sheer amount of wisdom synthesising itself within the cats turgid nature, is magnitudes above the peasantry of the other feline companions. You are so incredibly wrong if you think that the manul cat is not the best there is, they cannot be domesti...